Monday, June 25, 2012

Proposal 1

 Urban Cultural
Mak Yong
Among the many different traditional theatre of the Malays, no other dance drama has a more captivating appeal than Mak Yong. These ancient classic court entertainments combine romantic stories, operatic singing and humor.

The Joget is the most popular traditional dance of Malaysia. It is a lively rendition with fast upbeat tempo and performed by couples who combine fast hand and leg movements. The Joget has its origins traced back to the Portuguese folk dance which was introduced to Malacca during the era of the spice trade.

Kuda Kepang
The Kuda Kepang dance is performed by nine dancers who are seated astride a two dimensional 'horse' made of hide. The dancers re-enact the early Islamic battles in enthusiastic gestures and vigorous action. This dance-drama is performed in accompaniment to a rich and exotic rendition of traditional music played with indigenous instruments such as gongs, tambourines and angklungs.

Chinese Opera
Seen on special Chinese festivals such as the Festival of Hungry Ghosts, actors in heavy make-up and elaborate costumes perform period dramas laced with songs backed by traditional music.

Classical Indian Dances
Classical Indian dances are traditionally performed in temples by devadasi (servants of God) because these dances are regarded as an offering to God, higher than offerings of donations, flowers or mantras (prayers).

One such temple dance is the Bharata Natyam which originated in South India in the 3rd century. Bharata Natyam has great religious significance. The traditional obeisance to God is always observed by the dancer before performing the dance.

Bharata Natyam involves six stages in the performance which combine the elements of Nritta (pure dance) and Nritya (expressive dance). Nritta comprises basic dance units called Adavus. Each Adavus contains three elements-the standing position, the movement of legs and feet and the hand gestures. Music is based on ragas (tunes).

The Bhangra Dance, is very much a feature of the Sikh community and has its roots in Punjab, India. A harvest dance, it incorporates dexterity of the dancers and a host of stunts. The Bhangra is a vibrant and colourful dance accompanied by a medley of folk songs and a musical instrument such as the drum tambourine and a musical clapper.

-people are forgetting their culture
-a lot of modern culture influences
-do not follow the customs and traditions
-speak the English language
-heavily influenced with western bands
-communication with other culture is less

-ties the people of a community together
-respect moral values and culture
-culture gives an individual a unique identity
-pattern of human activity and the symbols

I like to show culture refers to the pattern of human activity and the symbols. Besides, culture represent through the art, literature, costumes, customs and traditions of a community. I want the new generation learned from the older generations about the culture.

My concept on this topic is to provide a video installation or video projection. This video covers some helpful information and will help you to visualize and retain this important on the culture.

Video installation / video projection / digital photography 

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