Wednesday, August 29, 2012



Budget Preparation

Functional Specification Worksheet

Screen Name: Bharatanatyam Dance
Description: Dance Projection Visual & Sound
Person-in-charge: Pravina Selvarajan
Dancers: Prishavardhani Nair and Harshavardhani Nair
User Interaction: None
Frames within the screen/ durations of this scene: 5 min
Media Elements/content:
1. Text/description: None
2. Images/graphics: Facials expressions will be captured and projected.
3. Video: No
4. Animation: Shape and lines effects
5. Sound: Play the music according to the dance.
6. Navigation controls and icons: None

Content Development - Software

In order to make a montage, video or animated visuals that needed to be projected on the stage, I would consider to use the following applications or software:

Video, animation and editing

*Adobe Flash
*Adobe After Effects

Photo, illustrative art and digital drawing editing

*Adobe Photoshop
*Adobe Illustrator

Projection Mapping editing


The MadMapper provides a simple and easy tool for mapping projections. It removes a lot of the confusion related to this medium, effectively demystifying the process, allowing you, the artist or designer to focus on creating your content, and making the experience of mapping textures to physical objects in real time.

Sample of effect for the projection tried in After Effects.

I use Particle World effect which changes the shape to lens fade and the color to 4-Color Gradient. I use Particle World effect which changes the shape to cube in color of sun. The duration of this effect is 30 seconds. There will be stop motion every five seconds to follow the beat. 

Particle of Cube 
Particle of Lens Fade

Using Adobe Premier Pro, a 30 second effect apply on the dance video. I have use alpha in 30% to appears the effect at the video. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Content Development

Bharata Natyam is religious significance. The traditional obeisance to God is always observed by the dancer. Bharata Natyam is a classical Indian dance usually accompanied by the classical music. I have collected Bharata Natyam dance movement and poses. 

Bharatanatyam dance poses.

Semi-classical Bharatanatyam dance movement. 

Thanks to Prishavardhani Nair and Harshavardhani Nair from Unique Arts Academy

After Effects, a sample try of effect in Particle Lens Fade

Other sample try of effect in Particle Cube

A quick try merge the effect with the dance video.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Summary of respond

Do you know your own traditional dance?
Yes   79%
No     21%

Do dance effect physically and mentally on you?
Yes      58%
No        42%

Why do Traditional dance have less support?

Western Culture                                 38%

Bored Entertainment                        6%

Bad Publicity                                      16% 

Waste of time                                      0%

Lack of Traditional Educational     80%

How you could develop/educate traditional dance among public?
Programmes  75%

Competition    63%

Installation       22%

Games             18%

Media                57%

Application       10%

Mind Map



Precedence Studies

3D Video mapping Dance show

Precedence Studies


Monday, June 25, 2012

Proposal 3

Social psychology
Interpersonal attraction
Social psychology is the scientific study of how people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others. By this definition, scientific refers to the empirical method of investigation. The terms thoughts, feelings, and behaviors include all psychological variables that are measurable in a human being. The statement that others' presence may be imagined or implied suggests that we are prone to social influence even when no other people are present, such as when watching television, or following internalized cultural norms.

A major area in the study of people's relations to each other is interpersonal attraction. This refers to all forces that lead people to like each other, establish relationships, and (in some cases) fall in love. Several general principles of attraction have been discovered by social psychologists, but many still continue to experiment and do research to find out more. One of the most important factors in interpersonal attraction is how similar two particular people are. The more similar two people are in general attitudes, backgrounds, environments, worldviews, and other traits, the more probable an attraction is possible. Contrary to popular opinion, opposites do not usually attract.

Physical attractiveness is an important element of romantic relationships, particularly in the early stages characterized by high levels of passion. Later on, similarity and other compatibility factors become more important, and the type of love people experience shifts from passionate to companionate. Robert Sternberg has suggested that there are actually three components of love: intimacy, passion, and commitment. When two (or more) people experience all three, they are said to be in a state of consummate love.

According to social exchange theory, relationships are based on rational choice and cost-benefit analysis. If one partner's costs begin to outweigh his or her benefits, that person may leave the relationship, especially if there are good alternatives available. This theory is similar to the mini max principle proposed by mathematicians and economists. With time, long term relationships tend to become communal rather than simply based on exchange.

-people are influenced by the situation and general attitudes
-people often demonstrate bias against other races
-guide people toward the adoption of an attitude, idea, or behavior by rational or emotive
-people who regard themselves as over or underweight
-change in behavior suggest from another person
-influence by media of a person behavior and attitude
-failure marriage life
-a lot of teen get wrongly involve in relationship life

-the way people alter the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of others
-people can perceive, think about, and remember information about others
-attitudes are basic expressions of approval or disapproval
-groups tend to interact, influence each other, and share a common identity

I like to show people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others. Besides, I like to represent physical attractiveness is an important element of relationships. I want to show factors which influence one person's attraction to another, with physical aspects being one of them.

My concept on this topic is to provide a video installation or digital photography. This video covers some helpful information and will help you to visualize the important in interpersonal attraction.

Video installation / digital photography / documentary 

Proposal 2

 Urban Lifestyle
Malaysian Cuisine
Malaysian cuisine reflects the multicultural aspects of Malaysia. Various ethnic groups in Malaysia have their own dishes, but many dishes in Malaysia are derived from multiple ethnic influences. Food preparation differs from place to place, although many of the foods used are alike. Spices, aromatic herbs and roots are all used in Malaysian cuisine. Many cultures from Malaysia and the surrounding areas have greatly influenced Malaysian cuisine, with strong influence from Malay, Chinese, Indian, Thai, Javanese, and Sumatran cuisines.

-people are known the most famous cuisine of each religion
-a lot of western cuisine and fast food
-do not try other traditional cuisine
-food not found in its original culture is assimilated into other culture
-too much of spicy and oily
-combination of western cuisine

-show the identities of original cuisine of each culture
-to promote traditional food
-traditional cuisine develops healthy life

I like to represent the health life through traditional cuisine. Besides, Malaysian cuisine represent gathering the society to develop the own identity of tradition cuisine. I like to show the original uniqueness of each religion cuisine.

My concept on this topic is to provide a video installation or documentary. This video covers some helpful information and will help you to visualize the original identity of Malaysian cuisine.

Video installation / documentary  

Proposal 1

 Urban Cultural
Mak Yong
Among the many different traditional theatre of the Malays, no other dance drama has a more captivating appeal than Mak Yong. These ancient classic court entertainments combine romantic stories, operatic singing and humor.

The Joget is the most popular traditional dance of Malaysia. It is a lively rendition with fast upbeat tempo and performed by couples who combine fast hand and leg movements. The Joget has its origins traced back to the Portuguese folk dance which was introduced to Malacca during the era of the spice trade.

Kuda Kepang
The Kuda Kepang dance is performed by nine dancers who are seated astride a two dimensional 'horse' made of hide. The dancers re-enact the early Islamic battles in enthusiastic gestures and vigorous action. This dance-drama is performed in accompaniment to a rich and exotic rendition of traditional music played with indigenous instruments such as gongs, tambourines and angklungs.

Chinese Opera
Seen on special Chinese festivals such as the Festival of Hungry Ghosts, actors in heavy make-up and elaborate costumes perform period dramas laced with songs backed by traditional music.

Classical Indian Dances
Classical Indian dances are traditionally performed in temples by devadasi (servants of God) because these dances are regarded as an offering to God, higher than offerings of donations, flowers or mantras (prayers).

One such temple dance is the Bharata Natyam which originated in South India in the 3rd century. Bharata Natyam has great religious significance. The traditional obeisance to God is always observed by the dancer before performing the dance.

Bharata Natyam involves six stages in the performance which combine the elements of Nritta (pure dance) and Nritya (expressive dance). Nritta comprises basic dance units called Adavus. Each Adavus contains three elements-the standing position, the movement of legs and feet and the hand gestures. Music is based on ragas (tunes).

The Bhangra Dance, is very much a feature of the Sikh community and has its roots in Punjab, India. A harvest dance, it incorporates dexterity of the dancers and a host of stunts. The Bhangra is a vibrant and colourful dance accompanied by a medley of folk songs and a musical instrument such as the drum tambourine and a musical clapper.

-people are forgetting their culture
-a lot of modern culture influences
-do not follow the customs and traditions
-speak the English language
-heavily influenced with western bands
-communication with other culture is less

-ties the people of a community together
-respect moral values and culture
-culture gives an individual a unique identity
-pattern of human activity and the symbols

I like to show culture refers to the pattern of human activity and the symbols. Besides, culture represent through the art, literature, costumes, customs and traditions of a community. I want the new generation learned from the older generations about the culture.

My concept on this topic is to provide a video installation or video projection. This video covers some helpful information and will help you to visualize and retain this important on the culture.

Video installation / video projection / digital photography